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PM360 Roundtable Webinar

Listen to the complimentary webinar from the authors of RESULTS: The Future of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.

See the free webinar now.

Marc Weiss, Director of Multichannel Marketing at Bristol-Myers Squibb, moderates. Discussion points include:

1. Regional Marketing Approach – analyzing sales performance based on geography, population and other demographics in order to discover the most scalable opportunities for brand growth.

2. Healthcare Marketing is in a state of flux – learn about two strategies that drive results: mobile first marketing & geo-medical targeting.

3. Big Data – by combining the data from EHRs, claims, psycho-social data, mobile health apps, activity trackers, and patient support and intervention programs we can understand which interventions work for which cohort of patients.

4. Trends Shaping Healthcare Delivery – the way we provide consume and pay for healthcare is evolving along complex dimensions.

See the free webinar now.