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AUG-2015 – Summer Intern Issue!

Your Monthly Prescription for Ad Industry Updates | August 2015

Topics of the Month

Blogging Topics from eHS Interns

This summer, we’ve had the pleasure of having three interns at eHealthcare Solutions. They have each selected some content on the web that they’d like to share with eHS contacts. Enjoy!

Connor Watts is a sophomore at Carnegie Mellon, studying computer science. At eHS he is a mobile app developer. Connor says, “This summer, I’ve been dividing my time between playing music and creating the Diabetes In Control Mobile App.”

Connor recommends an article on how native mobile ads may increase user engagement. Connor’s mobile app will be launched next month – stay tuned for ad placement opportunities!

Alexandra Patrylak will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall studying Mathematics and Finance. At eHS she is a Marketing Intern focusing on identifying new prospects. She says, “I have had the opportunity to set up several meetings with colleagues from different departments of eHS to learn more about each part of the company, individual employee responsibilities, and how people ended up at eHS. This has provided me with a holistic view of a small company and a chance to learn how a successful company operates.”

Alex would like you to see This is Water, the famous commencement speech by David Foster Wallace, put to video.

Bridie Lawlor is a rising junior in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences at Boston College. She says, “My role as a Marketing Intern at eHS is to ‘prioritize the universe.’ With hundreds of successful agencies, publishers, and pharmaceutical companies, it can be difficult to navigate their needs and pursuits. My job is to investigate the medical universe and to prospect, research, and categorize highly specific details of healthcare brands in order to meet the needs of both eHealthcare Solutions and the vertical network of clients in which we serve by creating new niche network opportunities.”

Bridie’s selection, Putting Your Brand Inside of a Micro-Moment encourages you to see Google’s video Micro-Moments about how each moment in a person’s life is part of the consumer journey.

Your Monthly Prescription

The Top 10 Things I Learned as an Intern at eHealthcare Solutions

Read Bridie’s touching and funny article about her time as an Intern at eHS. It’s a good look into some of the personalities of eHS employees. It also will remind you how intense healthcare advertising can be and how smart you have to be to understand it all! A pick-me-up for people who have been around the industry for a while.

Here are a couple excerpts:

… EHS is (for the most part) business casual. I definitely learned this one the awkward way by walking into work my first day in high heels and my nicest dress. Of course, if there is a meeting with a client, it’s more business than casual. Nor does this rule apply to Samuel Ferrante, Accounting Assistant, who rocks great business attire every day. He always wears a brightly colored tie that perfectly complements his outfit. (And, he even had his attire-game above par for the company picnic in a bow-tie and loafers.)…

…There could be a dictionary written just for the ad-operations side of the business. I had the opportunity to join Lauren Schulman (Operations Director) for an ad-operations training session. It was a few hours long, and I came out with pages of scrambled terms. The trickiest part is that a lot of terms have double meanings. For example, a box unit is also called “300 by 250,” and a media plan is also called a “media buy,” “order,” and “IO.”…

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