Native Advertising

Our trusted partner, TrendMD, is a content recommendation engine that displays contextually relevant articles to engage physicians across 5,000 sites, such as ASCO and JAMA, based on past reading habits.
The key benefits of TrendMD:
  • Reduce your risk by paying only for target list traffic, on a cost-per-click basis
  • Drive insights by knowing what creatives your customers engage with through physician-level-data
  • Scale delivery against even a small target audience due to vast network reach
Want to discuss more how EHS and TrendMD can help you? We encourage you  to click below to schedule some time with one of our Digital Advertising Professionals.

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1The EHS Network is ranked #1 for Healthcare Professional (HCP) audience reach, and ranked #4 for Health Information market penetration by comScore (3/2016). Health Information includes healthcare professional and consumer audiences combined.