Healthcare Authoritative Publishers Network

Medical Publishers | Medical Marketing Agency


eHealthcare Solutions exclusively represents more than 85 of the most authoritative publishers in healthcare, comprised of over 400 individual digital and mobile properties.
The success of the EHS Network is reflective of the publishing partners we represent.

Our medical publishers accurately target their audience-base, providing maximum value to advertisers seeking to focus their media investments on reaching their specific audiences, and have the highest standards for content quality and integrity. We strive to complement these standards with credible, targeted, relevant advertising.

eHealthcare Solutions’ purpose is to improve health through supporting content creators and engaging their audiences.

The work we do provides funding for our credible and valuable site partners who have the noble purpose of improving healthcare & medicine. Our publisher partners now have an additional opportunity to maximize their premium inventory programmatically, by participating in the EHSX: Private Exchange & MarketplaceEHSX is a private exchange; only the most respected healthcare publishers, medical societies, journals, and associations are represented, and only the most trusted brands are invited to participate.

If you are interested in becoming a key publisher partner in the best-in-class EHS Network, call (609) 882-8887 x106 or contact us to speak with our Partner Relations team today.

Our team of experts eliminate the burden and complexity of managing digital advertising for our partners by handling every aspect of the process for them:

Advertising Sales

Client & Agency Relations

Contract Negotiations

Desktop & Mobile Ad Serving

Campaign Management & Optimization

Data Aggregation, Analysis & Reporting

Client Billing

Data Reconciliation

Financial Reporting

Website Optimization

Creative, Design, & Development Services

Adherence to Best Practices

eHealthcare Solutions offers a complete advertising solution to our publishing partners who need a simple, turn-key approach to monetizing their audience reach.