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2019 Benchmarks for U.S. Healthcare Publishers & Advertisers

If you are a healthcare publisher, either in the consumer or professional space, you can use these benchmarks to compare your website metrics to these averages. Also included in this report are helpful tips and information to overcome challenges your website may be having around a specific metric.

Advertisers can use these metrics to determine if their placements are performing to averages. These metrics are an invaluable resource to help design a media plan that meets or exceeds industry standards and client expectations.

Time range for this report: January 2016 – December 2018

The following metrics are included in this report (always broken down by consumer and professional segments):

1. Desktop, Mobile & Tablet Sessions
2. Average Session Duration
3. Average Pages per Session
4. Bounce Rate
5. In-View Rate (Viewability) on Display Advertising
6. Invalid Traffic (IVT) on Display Advertising
7. Click Through Rate (CTR) on Display Advertising

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